Services and Activities Fee
What is the Services and Activities Fee?
In essence, this quarterly fee helps support many services, programs, and activities across Western that benefit the entire campus community. As one student representative said when voting for the fee level, “We all pay a fee to support a community… to make Western a better place to go to school.”
Technically, the S & A Fee is governed by the laws of Washington State. Per RCW 28B.15.041, Services and Activities Fees are defined as “fees, other than tuition fees, charged to all students registering at the...state colleges and universities” and that the “Services and Activities fees shall be used…for the express purpose of funding student activities and programs.”
Also by State law, 3.5% of all Fee revenue must be allocated towards student loan programs.
Committee Charge
- To evaluate existing programs and program priorities each year.
- To propose the level of Services and Activities (S & A) Fees assessed upon Western Washington University students.
- To propose the distribution of S & A Fees among student activities and programs.
- To submit its budget recommendations and program priorities to the Board of Trustees for approval.
The S & A Fee Committee reports to the Board of Trustees. The Committee shall be responsible for communicating its recommendations to the administration, the Associated Students, and all S & A Fee funded areas.